View Profile XGM-Zeth

69 Audio Reviews

51 w/ Responses

Better clarity than your rest really.

Im dissy, Because i headbanged too much to this, You're improving Speed, no doubt about that.
and this is actually one of your better/best songs.

Your stuff is kickass as usual, and i think we should do a Orchestral/Metal thing one day :P


speedmetalmessiah responds:

Hahaha thanks man.I would agree this is my best tune yet.

As far as us doing an Orchestral/Metal collab I'm all for it just e-mail me when you want to do it.That would kick serious amounts of ass.Thanks for the great review man.

One of your better ones

Well, I think that you should go from making unserious stuff to serious, because you certainly have talent, just need to enfold yourself to creating good music.

The song is one of your better ones.

Ok, At first it didnt sound too well.

But hey ! too much coffee in the end!
It sounded like you actually tried to make something serious (for a change) and it became quite good in the middle, speeded up with pitch it didnt sound that good, but if you took the point and made something from the middle, perhaps a loop or something it would actually be good for a flash submission.



Jeeeezuz :P
Not your best loop, but its still cool :)
You did the drums as well?

And now to turn the question, how long have YOU been playing?

speedmetalmessiah responds:

Thanks glad you liked it.I've had an acoustic for years but I never used to play it then about three or four years ago I started to get into playing.I'm not nearly as good as I should be and I'm lagging when it comes to practicing lately.Although I'm going to learn the rest of Black Star.

Not original, but kickass!

Ok, This would be a great intro, a bit opeth-like with the whole "silent,silent,dOOm" thing, im giving you 10/10 and 5/5

speedmetalmessiah responds:

Thanks man.I'm working on finishing the drums later today then I'm gonna start writing the riffs.Hopefully the tune will be finished in like a week.Thanks for the review man.

Ok, Good metal loop

Ok, this is like "OMFGIMGONNAKILLYOUALL" kinda song, which is cool.

It needs a better mic for the guitar no matter though :(
And you seem to be one of the better metal people here at Newgrounds, i still remember when you had like...three songs here :)
You're improving, keep on doing so.

speedmetalmessiah responds:

Thanks a lot man.Actually I record through the line in plug through my digitech gnx2.It was just a little sloppy.Thanks for the support man it means a lot to me that people like my song or riffs.Thanks again.

I was impressed

As it was in techno i was expecting a number of riffs just being completely randomly put together.
But this is something i could actually listen to, as the start caught my interest.

I dont have much love left for techno, but this was well done and it seems you put alot of effort into it.

The guitar could have been improved, how many takes did you do ?

This is one of the only songs getting 10/10 from me, and i actually cared to review it :O
Reason for 10/10 is that its the only damn techno music that caught my interest and not sounding too damn bad.

Its above average in my general music opinion, and its godly compared to the other techno i've heard.

The drums sound a bit too FL, i have to admit that, easy made and not too much effort put into em, but hey, ill live through it.

The bass line were something i could headbang to (i am a metal head), and that says quite a bit in my opinion.

Im just raberling now. (if thats a word)
Good song ! hope you enjoy this review, and i certainly hope you do !

Best Regards - Zeth -

PERVOK responds:

ok as for the takes:
i only did 2 takes(since the first one was a little off beat and it pissed me off)
and as for the drums not having a lot of effort in them...
that was the hardest part of the song to make! i POURED effrot into that.


thanks for the review dude

Try harder

Prøv litt meir, ok?
Berre fordi du er norsk så er eg ikkje snill mot deg. musikken din er grei, men du burde ta meir arbeid i musikken.

Håpe eg hører meir du har lagd, og at du forbedrer deg. Likte nokke av stykke, så du får en 7/10, men du må arbeide meir på musikken.

Ok, Introen er litt opphakka når den går over, men blir bedre når du får igang verset.
Anbefalest å sette bakgrunns effekter litt høgere.

Svar på Norsk/Engelsk.

Skabbish responds:


du er fjorten år og ska liksom komme og dømme meg
ka faen vett du om å lage musikk?!?!
hehe.. neida..
men tenk deg litt om..
kanskje sangen var meint å høres ut slik han gjør?? prøve hardere? eg vett ikkje ka eg ska tro, men greit, eg får vel det då!

eat my midikeyboard, så talast me!

Ok, This is your best.

This is your best, its my style, i love metal and all, but this is like a good acoustic one :)
It sounds kinda heroic though, not that scary.

This one should SERIOUSLY be used, its a too big genious behind it to be forgotten.
Make more songs this way and ill continue to review em.

The guitar was impressing, the rain should have had better sound effects, but its all good.
If its real, it needs to be recorded better.

RyeGuyHead responds:

Yeah...I definatly missed on the scary part. The rain i used SUCKED...but it was all i had, so oh well. No, not real, i wish i could play guitar

What to you make these with?

Ok, I had some time left and felt like reviewing you.

Anyways, this one wasnt your best, nor the worst.
So what do you use making these? FL? Acid? Reason?

This song was kinda complex though :)

RyeGuyHead responds:

Just fruity loops, but it was weird...I opened this pack from fruity loops that said reason, and i was like....wha??? So i made a song with all the preset instruments plus loads of effects. This song was intended to be the best....just goofy. And yes, I really tried to toss around the melody between the instruments.



Joined on 9/10/04

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